Rukwa, Katavi and now Kigoma: TanZanEye establishes eye health in western Tanzania

With Kabanga Village, near Kasulu in the Kigoma region, TanZanEye e.V. is preparing to complete the triple on Lake Tanganyika. After the start in southern Sumbawanga (Rukwa) and the subsequent Mpanda (Katavi) in the middle, work has now also begun at the third location in northern Kabanga Village.

During a one-week eye camp in mid-October, 586 patients were screened and 144 operated on at the Kabanga Referral Hospital. The additional handover of extensive equipment was a very successful start and the first foundations were also laid for the construction of an eye clinic.

In the St. Aloyce Eye Centre in Mpanda, which had already been fully completed, the focus the following week was on training local and national specialists in addition to further examinations and operations. This is a key element in the sustainability of the overall project.

We are very proud to be able to equip this ambitious project with surgical microscopes and LED lighting for slit lamps and will continue to provide intensive support.

Examination at the slit lamp

Teaching at the microscope

In the operating theatre with two FLAIR microscopes

Jakob Prechtl